Help Fund Our Mission

Here's where you come in...

We are a volunteer-driven organization so all funding for our programs and events comes from people like YOU! The button below will help us cover the costs we incur to run our programs that bring funds and attention to hunger relief initiatives across the U.S. Since we're recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)3 nonprofit, all donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. 

We are registered with the NYS Charities Bureau, a copy of our annual report is available by writing to NYS Charities, 120 Broadway, NY NY 10271.

Choose How You Show Your Support

Donate to Our Pie it Forward Initiative

100% of your donation will go directly toward a pizza delivery to a soup kitchen, shelter, food bank, or other hunger action center. You can even select the region that you’d like your dollars to support to keep the donation local.

Donate to Our General fund

Keep the mission going by helping to cover our administrative costs and everything behind-the-scenes that enables us to do #pizza4good!

If you prefer to donate via check, please it send to:

Slice Out Hunger
244 Fifth Ave, S-260
New York, NY 10001

YOU can make a difference!